Trifork Security

Full handling of incidents and cyber attacks.
Quick, efficient and easy.

More than just a security team

Trifork.Security gives you a large team of Danish security specialists who actively monitor your IT security around the clock and effectively stop cyber attacks before they harm your company.

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Vi oplever Netic som en yderst professionel leverandør. De har stor forstand på sikkerhed og er meget procesorienterede, forstået på den måde, at de er 100 % alignede med ITIL. Vi taler samme sprog, og det er meget vigtigt i et differentieret og komplekst driftsmiljø, som vores.

Mads Parby

Specialkonsulent, NemHandel

Security team with knowledge of more than just security

With roots in one of Denmark's most experienced operating companies and owned by one of Denmark's largest software houses, Trifork.Security is a security team with knowledge of more than just security.

With Trifork.Security as your preferred partner, you get full handling of incidents and cyber attacks - with full transparency and insight into how we solve the task for you.

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